Saturday, March 5, 2016

"How does instructional design impact P-12 student learning?"

My experience with instructional design is put in play daily.  Me being a physical education teacher, I demonstrate new skills while giving them precise knowledge and background.  One any particular day I will show my students skills, have them tell me if they have experienced this, and then send the students off in groups to practice.  I would then go around and assess them for their understanding of the new skill taught.  I did my PP on direct instruction and I promote this often in my classes.  As we have all gone over a lot of different instructions in this assignment, we have been exposed to many different ways of teaching.  There is not a cookie-cutter way of teaching.  Being a teacher has taught me that you have to give details or things could be missed.  I make sure my students are being taught accurately and understanding what is also being taught to them.  When you see the lightbulb go off you know you have done your job and it's so rewarding.

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