Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Module 3: Quality Questioning Responses

Chapter 1: From the chart on page 8, which specific teacher behavior will you commit to for your future classroom? Why? Justify your answer.  I will have to commit to allowing students wait time after the question is asked and allow wait time after the student answers the question given.  This will give the other students time to understand what is being asked as well as how the question was answered.  This gives all students time to understand and comprehend the lesson going on in class.  It is important that you are always able to listen for questions because this is how students tell you if they are confused or curious about the specific topic being talked about.

Chapter 2: As a beginning teacher, explain how you might use this rubric in designing lessons and assessments in future work.  This is a very detailed rubric not only for my students to follow but allowing me to make sure that I'm asking quality questions when teaching my lessons.  This rubric gives a clear and precise concept of how to give and receive quality questions and answers.  This scoring rubric has been designed for use by teachers seeking to improve the quality of the questions they pose in the classroom.  As such, it is intended for self-assessment and improvement only.  This rubric is generic and may be adapted by individual teachers to specific content areas and/or grade levels.

Chapter 3: Which two response ideas most resonate with your teaching style?  Describe how you will implement these in your future classroom. Myself being a physical education teacher currently, I use work samples and numbered heads together.  When introducing a new topic, I allow the students to answer questions about remembering information, understanding the information being taught, and how they can apply the information.  I then offer the students individual practice on what was just taught.  For the numbered heads together, I like to put students in groups and let each other teach themselves (peer teaching). I then hold students accountable in a cooperative learning activity (group activities).  We then all review all concepts taught by giving a visual prior to testing.  We then allow the students to activate prior knowledge and experience at the beginning of a new lesson or unit.

Chapter 4: Now bring your thinking to your future classroom.  Explain how you might set these norms in your own teaching. In my classroom, I would want my students to engage and ask more question about new topics.  The more they ask, the more they learn and help other students learn.  I will be aware of the wait time after I ask a question as well as the wait time after the student answers. This is to ensure all students understand the question being asked and you're able to think about what your peer has just said.  I want my classroom to be open for discussion at any time.  They need to be able to make comments to each other digging in to what they are all trying to learn and grasp.

Chapter 5: As a new teacher, which of these responses do you think will prove most challenging in your classroom?  Explain how you will purposefully implement this challenging approach.  I think that the follow-up question to "correct" student's answers will be trying at time but it's doable.  Making sure you ask the right follow up question is crucial because it clears up any concern about the students making the connection.  This is very important because this ensures that students can expand or extend thoughts, going deeper or making new connections with their peers.

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