Saturday, February 13, 2016

What is 21st Century teaching and learning?

I think 21st Century teaching is all about being very versatile when teaching the young minds of today. Our schools this day and time are multicultural and multilingual. We as teachers have to teach on an individual basis because there isn’t just one way of teaching. All teachers teach differently and some students learn differently. There’s not a cookie-cutter way of teaching. In the majority of elementary classes you, will encounter students who speak English as their second language. It’s important for you to learn about their culture so you can get to know all of your students. You must have a close relationship with all of your students so you will be able to distinguish their strengths and weaknesses. For teachers today, you have to be very technical savvy because that’s all this generation is used to. You as a teacher no longer tell the students to get their books out and answer the chapter questions. This technique should be history. In every subject today, there should be multiple ways of teaching it. It’s very important to have your students relate to the subject matter so their understanding is enhanced. Teachers today have to be very passionate about what they do because it isn’t an easy job. There are tons of responsibilities for teachers to uphold throughout every school year. Some students will have IEPs and 504s with benchmarks that you as a teacher have to make sure you are meeting these criteria. 

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